have been in Perth a few days now. Made initial reconnaisance visit to the Battye library where WA historical records are held and dipped lightly into the microfiched editions of the 1920s in Western Australian, a hard job as it's layout resembled the pictureless original London Times layout.There were no obvious themes and items were confined to columns rather than newspaper sections and supplements, as in today's papers. I reacquainted my self with my novel after a year away from it and to my eye it still read well-so the juices of enthusiasm and inspiration were stirring again.

In other respects I felt a bit listless and briefly "down" must have been the release and stopping after such a long and intense solo car trip.
My bike would help.I managed one run to the coast against a head wind from the sea in the early morning and puffing like a steam engine uphill on the way back.At first my stomach seemd to get in the way of my pumping knees and balance and gear changing needed caution, but the familiar rythm soon came back.
Took a car drive down the coast towards Perth where at 20klms were Floriat and City beaches. This made for a 40k round trip-about the most I dared cycle in that state of unfitness,perhaps even too far.But I intended to tackle it early on either Saturday or Sunday morning, even though rain was forecast.Pete had a bath so my seized up buttocks would get a good remedial soaking before rigor set in.
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