More road trains and more small towns with fairly unhelpful, unfriendly natives and only take away food at service stations.Not even a MacCafe with decent coffee and clean toilets.In many such stopping points they just point you to a water boiler and the nescafe-"make it yourself mate!"
More drizzle but not enough to clean the car and windscreen.At last a suggestion of some more interesting scenery after the endless tracts of mallee in what is known as The Great Southern.
At first glance albany lived up to its reputation-being the first point of European settlement in WA.A fine Anglican church, whose sign announcing mass suggested a "spikey" leaning, and cafes with outdoor settings-although the one I chose for lunch had a demented woman amongst the alfresco diners, determined to pick a verbal stoush with anyone game enough to take her on-somehow didn't think she was a Liberal voter.

the library came good again as a source of coolness and email access-yet despite the govenment wealth in WA they charged $3 per half hour.Suddenly I decided to leave touring the town until the morrow and drove out about 50 klms to a national park campsite at Cheney's Beach.

What a wise choice-after a long walk on an isolated surf beach, I realised that I needed to slow down and let the residual sludge of the rat babble in my head, accumulated through hours of fast solo driving, sink to the bottom of my head's tank.Barely had I settled to write my blog notes,when a local told me he was setting a trap for a wild cat.I suggested that to put it near my swag would scare it away. To which he replied, displaying his country humour,"Don't like some pussie in the night?"He deserved and got the obvious retort from me-"The wilder the better!". Having spied my Victorian number plate either he decided discretion was the better part of valour or that male honours were even and as one does in Australia, we parted as "mates"

Then a much more welcome encounter with a young father and his kids as I was photographing a passing Goanna.
Just had to break from posting the blog, here in Perth, as Peter's( mine host)wife, Srey, has just fed us the most delectable Cambodian clear soup,rich in coriander and other spices for lunch.
He must have taken pity on a lone old man on the road-especially when he saw my swag and invited me to dinner with his family and friends as they had plenty of steak and onions to spare.His name is Kevin!-no relation I hope.
Drat those march flies-they really bite and I must have killed 40 whilst recording my day's adventures.Must get trousers on before mosquito squadrons arrive at dusk. Birds are squawking goodnight and settling down in all the surrounding trees.
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